Monday, November 6, 2017

Oracle in select

select * from HR.EMPLOYEES
select Email,First_name from hr.employees;
select First_name||' '|| Last_name  as fullname from HR.EMPLOYEES;
select salary*0.1+salary as total_salary from HR.EMPLOYEES
select * from hr.employees where employee_id=104;
select * from  hr.employees where salary=24000 and last_name='King'

select * from  hr.employees where salary=20000 or last_name='King';
select * from HR.EMPLOYEES where salary not between 10000 and 20000;
select  * from HR.EMPLOYEES where job_id not in('IT_PROG','FI_ACCOUNT','PU_CLERK');
select * from HR.EMPLOYEES where FIRST_NAME not like 'D%'
select * from hr.employees where First_name like '%all%'
Select * from hr.employees order by First_name,last_name desc
Select count(commission_pct) as total from hr.employee
select count(*) from hr.employees
select * from hr.employees where employee_id=104 or last_name='Baer'