Tuesday, October 27, 2015




Verbal skills are not only appreciated but also required during the selection process for jobs. If a person knows how to express well and can communicate confidently, he gets an automatic edge over those who cannot speak well. Verbal communication along with technical qualification is better than qualification alone.

 Here are a few ways in which we can improve verbal communication and be better equipped to word our expression: 
  1. Reading aloud 
  2. Thinking before speaking
  3.  Taking time to prepare 
  4. Organising your thought: 
  • Speed- reading
  •  Memory techniques 
  • Mind mapping
5.Listening actively 
6.Watching out for nonverbal traps
 7.Maintaining honesty 
8.Being comprehensible and expressing your understanding
 9.Respecting everybody’s perspective

The power of non-verbal communication cannot be underestimated. The messages you send through your posture, gestures, facial expression, and movements account for 55% of what is perceived and understood by others. In fact, through your body language, you are always communicating, whether you want to or not. Non-verbal messages are the primary way with which 
you communicate your emotions. Body language and non-verbal communication comes naturally even to children, but as they get older, verbal communication begins to dominate. This is when older children and adults can lose some of the ability to understand others on such an instinctive level. Plus, the ability to communicate non-verbally varies from person to person and can be largely innate. Non-verbal communication requires self-awareness and the ability to observe others. Actions, such as sighing loudly during a lecture, and talking with your back turned to someone, may lead to miscommunication, awkwardness, and ultimately, isolation. Furthermore, non-verbal communication is sometimes connected to culture and gender, and the same ’signal’ can carry different meanings when coming from different people.

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